Friday, May 23, 2008

British Airways is a strange beast

I got my plane tickets in the mail from British Airways today. Yes, in the mail. Apparently the magic of the internet and such things as electronic tickets are foreign to them, or if not foreign than at least vastly overrated. Unfortunately, these tickets only had "Cork" as the final destination and not the three letter abbreviation for Cork Airport. Normally this would not be a big deal, but Cork's abbreviation is, awesomely, ORK. Every piece of paper that says "Cork" instead of using ORK is a sadly wasted opportunity by the powers that be. Evidently British Airways eschews both ORK and etickets. For these reasons, I will never understand them. Read more

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


After some urging, I've decided to do this blog over the summer as a chronicle of my planned trip and internship in Ireland. Assuming that I don't lose interest in doing this after a few posts, I'll be writing about what I'm doing in and around the city of Cork, where I'll be for ten weeks while working in a pharmaceutical lab at University College Cork. I just finished my sophomore year as a chem major at Georgetown and have never visited Europe before. People tell me its an interesting experience worth writing about. Being told that spawned the blog. So if you're interested in what a 20 year old American is up to in Ireland and are willing to suffer through my sporadic interests and bad writing, feel free to follow along. Read more